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The Mobile Application for Bell Paper Farmers in Sri Lanka

Research Project Scope

This section has domain details about our project. Describe the information we have gathered by the literature survey.

Sri Lanka's economy heavily relies on agriculture, accounting for 45.46% of the nation's total land area in 2020. The World Bank's statistics on agricultural land in March 2023 provide current, historical, projections, and predictions. 30% of Sri Lankans work in the agricultural sector, despite the tropical nation's potential for crop growth. However, productivity and profitability issues hinder the sector's growth. To assist bell pepper growers in increasing crop yields and lowering losses, the PepperSmart programme employs a smart polytunnel technology. It employs machine learning to enable early identification and treatment of powdery mildew diseases via a smartphone application. Powdery mildew susceptibility rises with age in bell pepper plants, with older plants and mature lower leaves exhibiting the earliest signs. Live host plant tissue is necessary for the fungus' development and survival.

Fluffy white dots on the underbelly that might eventually become brown are early indications. By putting the leaf up to the light and keeping an eye on the mildew colonies, you may quickly identify early powdery mildew infections. This research led to the creation of a smart polytunnel system that can detect and assess plant powdery mildew disease in its early stages. With the use of this technology, crop yields and quality may be improved, increasing sustainability and profitability

  • 31st March 2023

    Project Proposal

    The project including its objectives and methodology was initially proposed to the panel.

  • 24th May 2023

    Progress Presentation 1

    50% of the proposed project was completed and demostrated in this stage.

  • 06th September 2023

    Progress Presentation 2

    90% of the proposed project was completed and demostrated in this stage.

  • 06th October 2023

    Poster & Demonstration

    Main point of using a poster is to aware and demonstrate a brief introduction of research to the audience and capture their attention.

  • 01st November 2023

    Final Presentation & Viva

    Final presentation to demostrate the fully functional mobile application and its methodology was done.

Data Collection through Filed visit

Farmers are interviewed for collect to data

Achievement Accepted by ICAC


The Mobile Application for Bell Paper Farmers in Sri Lanka

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S.S.U. Senadheera

Group Leader

G.H.N. Anuththara

Group Member

E.L.P.H. Lakmal

Group Member

R.S.A. Sooryasena

Group Member